The BS Blog
Plant Life Support™, our smart plant self-waterer, is taking the home horticultural world by storm. From the UK to the US, and Canada to Australia, this drip irrigation system is keeping plants alive despite the worst efforts from their forgetful parents.
This shortlist contains the teams behind the year’s most exciting games. Which is great if you wanna check out the best party games that have been released this year. And to help you, we’ve picked out our favourites to give you the inside scoop on which games offer the most bang for your buck.
How do you play Wordle? And, where can I play Wordle and games like it? We’ve got you covered.
We have compiled a list of word games like Wordle online. But, being a maker of physical games, we’ve also thrown in some of our favourite card games similar to Wordle that you can buy and play with other human beings.